How is this group different?
Our style is vibrant and fresh – a hybrid of the best bits from other franchises some say – all designed to get you the most benefit from these type of activities. We are all about gaining qualified “hot” referrals and having fun. We like to think we are the most beneficial in many ways and we very much like to think “Givers Gain”, if I refer business to you, you will refer business to me. Our aim is to build long-term relationships you can trust and referrals naturally happen inside and outside our group.
What does this group cost?
- Visiting is FREE to all potential members. And you get a free coffee/tea each visit.
- 1 MONTH FREE Trial (x4 Visits). You are welcome to participate as a guest/visitor in SBG meetings without registering as a SBG member.
- All companies requesting registration must complete the SBG members Application Process and be vetted by the Committee.
- Registration is not automatic. Companies will be scrutinized by the Committee before registration is completed. This can include a brief background check and a Google search as reference.
- If membership cannot be approved for any reason you may be placed on the SBG waiting list.
- Refer to the current Membership Application Form for cost details – It’s seriously cost effective, value for money, and a huge ROI!
What are the meetings like?
This is a fantastic option for people who wish to keep their own company identity and increase their workflow plus profits whilst trading as a SBG networking member through this group. SBG is a professional organisation that allows all SBG members to meet on a regular basis. The primary purpose of SBG is to exchange qualified business referrals and to develop business for all concerned at a very cost-effective rate. All who are registered with SBG are invited to meet for a business meeting once every week to develop friendships and new business opportunities in a casual and fun environment. You must be registered as a SBG Member before you can attend your registered SBG meeting; however members are encouraged to invite guests to our meetings (and that could be you). As a guest who is wanting to register, you must be vetted through the committee first before approval. This form is here.
What’s in it for me?
Being a SBG member is like having many salespeople marketing your product or service every day PLUS we will advertise your services – exclusive to your industry TYPE, PLUS YOUR COMPANY NAME – in all the following areas:
• SBG Member services
• SBG Email Promotions — to all SBG members and non members through general marketing promotions
• SBG Meetings — weekly business networking meetings.
• SBG Print Promotions.
• SBG and associated PR activities and events.
What does SBG have to offer?
• We provide fun & unique business networking
• You access new people & more business customers
• FREE advice is available from inspiring professionals & guest speakers
• You become the exclusive business industry category
• You find other businesses to work with & build trusted relationships
• It’s extremely cost effective marketing
• We exclusively promote your business
• We meet with the Selwyn District Council and they meet with us (we have their ears).
Word Of Mouth
Word of mouth advertising of your business will grow exponentially as your involvement in SBG grows and matures.
We all know how expensive it can be to advertise. Well, our SBG Members have the benefits of the SBG Marketing Programme and our SBG meetings. Together they are the most beneficial, cost effective and powerful business tool if done correctly.
The SBG group has a Manager and a support team to assist with all matters relating to the running of the SBG group. The support team consists of an executive committee, a general committee and a manager of the SBG group.