Why is your Website SEO better than Google Ad Words?
You don’t pay for SEO (organic traffic) — You pay for Google Ad Words (Pay Per Click), you also pay for your competitors to click your freshly-made Ad (multiple times obviously costing you heaps), and people are learning to avoid the ads on the first page. So what is the solution?
For Selwyn – a love local, buy local, support local market is very powerful approach. www.selwynconnection.co.nz is the best DIY option followed by doing basic SEO to your website. But what if you want to rank higher, get to Google’s Search page 1 and/or go slightly further afar (Christchurch or Ashburton or Auckland, all of NZ!), well, Advanced SEO is the Bee’s Knees. In layman’s terms, you do not have to pay for the excessive clicks on your ads for no result, and when you stop paying your rankings drop, so SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is the way to go without paying for Google Ad Words and you can do that yourself, by putting those search terms or long-tail keywords into your site — but — DEEP THINKING is required, especially with Googles new algorithm, check out here: https://xdc.nz/christchurch-top-designer/christchurch-seo-expert/